NCTWS Grants
On May 1, 2018, the NC Chapter of The Wildlife Society began offering travel grants for members to attend various professional development opportunities, such as conferences, symposia, workshops, and training sessions. See below for a description of each grant.
​​The TWS Conference Grant is funded on an annual basis. The objective is to provide one travel grant up to $1,000 to one member of the NCTWS to assist them in offsetting the cost of attending the TWS Annual Conference. Preference for funding will be given to applicants who have been members of the NCTWS for at least 5 years, and/or who are, or have been, actively involved in the Chapter (e.g., officers, committee members, etc.). This grant is only to be used to support attendance at the TWS Annual Conference. The recipient must be a member in good standing of the NCTWS and TWS at the time of application and attendance at the conference, as certified by the NCTWS. The application deadline is July 5, 2024.​
The Professional Development Grants are funded on a semiannual basis. Starting this year, one grant will be awarded each year, but the amount of the grant will cover costs up to $1,000 and the time to use the grant funds has been extended. The objective of this program is to provide grants to NCTWS members to assist them in offsetting the cost a professional conference, professional development workshop, training, publication fees, research project, fieldwork opportunities, or other appropriate professional development program through September 1, 2024. Preference for funding will be given to applicants who have been members of the NCTWS for at least 2 years, and/or who are, or have been, actively involved in the Chapter (e.g., officers, committee members, etc.), and/or who need to gain credits to maintain their TWS Certified Wildlife Biologist certification. Recipients must be members in good standing of the NCTWS at the time of application and attendance at the professional development event, as certified by the NCTWS. The application deadline for this grant is November 30, 2023
The NCTWS Annual Meeting Grants are funded on an annual basis. The objective is to provide two grants for Professionals ($250 each) and two grants for Student Members ($200 each). The Grants and Finance Committee will select the best applicants in each category based on their Needs Statement. This grant is only to be used to support attendance at the NCTWS Annual Meeting. Recipients must be members in good standing of the NCTWS at the time of application and attendance at the meeting, as certified by the NCTWS. The deadline to apply is January 20, 2023.
The NCTWS is pleased to announce the Southeast Chapter’s Technical Field Course. This grant is funded on an annual basis upon approval by the Executive Board of the NCTWS. This year, the objective of this program is to provide two grants for $750 each to two members of NCTWS to assist them in offsetting the cost of attending the Southeastern TWS Field Course on Wildlife and Forestry Field Techniques. Preference for funding will be given based on length of membership in the NCTWS, and/or who are, or have been, actively involved in the NC Chapter (e.g., officers, committee members, etc.) or a student chapter, and/or who need to gain credits for school or to maintain their TWS Certified Wildlife Biologist certification. Recipients must be members in good standing of the NCTWS at the time of application and attendance at the field course, as certified by the NCTWS.
All NCTWS members are eligible for these grants. Please contact the Grants and Finance Committee chair, Pete Campbell with any questions.